Debt Collections Timeline: How to Stay On Track

Schedule Collection Calls and Notices using a Collections Timeline

A solid in-house collection procedure is one that carefully schedules a series of letters and phone calls that build upon one another. Having a prescribed timeline in which to send collection letters and make phone calls will help you stay organized, fair and reasonable through the course of trying to collect. Sending too few letters or not making enough phone calls may communicate that you don’t take the matter seriously.  But too many can be just as counter productive, being perceived as harassment.

You want to find that sweet spot, sending just the right amount of reminders at the right time. This can lead to successful debt recovery.

The following is a timeline we’ve built based upon a 30-day credit term.  Of course, you’ll need to adjust the timeline to match your credit terms.

0 Invoice
35 Past due reminder letter
45 Past due follow up letter on smaller accounts or initial past due call on larger accounts. If time permits on smaller accounts, a call is better than a letter at this stage.
55 Initial past due call or follow up call depending on day 45 action
65 Termination of credit letter or choose one of the 60 day demand letters
80 Final Collection call
90 Final Demand Letter

Follow-up is a critical component to a successful collections timeline. If your client makes a promise, follow-up with a phone call if they don’t keep that promise. If you end up sending a Final Demand notice, stay true to the actions you state in it. If your letter states that you’re turning the debt over to a 3rd party collection agency, then do it.

C2C Resources helps clients with pre-formatted collection letters and call scripts through a web based recordkeeping and management software called Profit Maximizer.